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July 3, 2008: Happy Independence Day--It's Time to Redeclare Our Independence

July 3, 2008
U.S. Representative Marcy Kaptur said the Independence Day holiday is the ideal time for Americans to reflect on the legacy of the Founders and to rededicate themselves to the principles of independence that has made our nation great.

“We need to recapture America’s independence and stand on our own two feet again,” she said. “It will require sacrifice, discipline and responsibility, but we must reclaim our legacy.

“America cannot sacrifice its independence due to an addiction to foreign oil. Instead, we must become energy independent.

“Likewise, we cannot continue to post budget deficits and trade deficits, putting our financial future in the hands of foreign creditors such as China and Saudi Arabia or other governments that would buy out our heritage. We should declare our financial independence as well.

“On this glorious Fourth of July holiday, freedom’s clock is ticking for this generation. Are we going to hear it?”