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FY2022 Community Project Funding Requests

After receiving hundreds of inquiries and requests, Rep. Kaptur has submitted funding requests for important community projects in Ohio's Ninth District to the House Appropriations Committee. Rep. Kaptur also submitted requests for funding through the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee's Member Designated Transportation Projects.


Under guidelines issued by the Appropriations Committee, each Representative may request funding for up to 10 projects in their community for fiscal year 2022 – although only a few may actually be funded. Projects are restricted to a limited number of federal funding accounts, and only state and local governments and eligible non-profit entities are permitted to receive funding. Additional information on the reforms governing Community Project Funding is available here(link is external).


Toledo Urban Federal Credit Union Financial Resource Center

  • $1.75 million
  • Toledo Urban Federal Credit Union, 1441 Dorr St, Toledo, OH, 43607
  • Toledo Urban Federal Credit Union (TUFCU) chartered in 1996, was the first Community Development Credit Union in Toledo, Ohio. As a Minority Depository Institution, it is one of three minority owned financial institutions in the state of Ohio and serves the low to moderate income census tracts in Toledo.
  • The Financial Resource Center Project will allow TUFCU to continue its mission of helping members achieve economic empowerment through education while being an active partner in the community we serve. It will provide employment and financial empowerment opportunities, site and energy improvements, and economic resources to individuals and businesses within our community.
  • Signed disclosure letter available here


Glann School/Common Space Community Center Revitalization Initiative

  • $1.25 million
  • Toledo Public Schools, 1609 N. Summit St., Toledo, OH 43604
  • The funding would be used to renovate and conduct energy upgrades at Glann School/Common Space Community Center which provides a venue for countless international, faith-based, and support-oriented community groups. The Glann School/Common Space Center for Creativity facility and its tenants provide valuable services to the community for engagement with the arts and creative outlets. Common Space has continually provided countless thousands of children and adults in Toledo and northwest Ohio residents with quality arts and cultural classes and international programs for 38 years.
  • These programs are offered by Common Space and its artists and nonprofit tenants at the Common Space facilities and throughout the community. Common Space serves as an incubator for artists, a cooperative workspace for nonprofits, and a participatory resource for the public. Common Space partners with other community agencies to provide special events, clothing and resource drives, festivals and educational activities, etc. within the community.
  • Signed disclosure letter available here


Historic South Neighborhood Solar Energy Field

  • $2 million
  • Historic South Initiative, P.O. Box 1008, Toledo, OH 43697
  • This project will utilize renewable energy generated from a solar array of US manufactured panels to provide long term support of neighborhood redevelopment in one of Toledo's lowest income census tracts.
  • This project will support the on-going neighborhood revitalization efforts of Historic South Initiative - An existing organization that has a proven track record of educational programming, housing rehabilitation, workforce development, and community organizing. This project is a public-private partnership that leverages locally manufactured solar panels to directly impact neighborhood revitalization.
  • Signed disclosure letter available here


Ohio Theater Restoration

  • $2.5 million
  • Children's Theatre Workshop, 3112 Lagrange Ave., Toledo, OH 43608
  • The Ohio Theatre in Toledo, Ohio is a historic landmark that suffered a lightning strike in 2008. The damage to its facade and destruction of its marquee put the building at risk for more permanent damage, and undermines what should be a source of pride for the culture of the neighborhood. Restoring the facade and replacing the marquee will beautify a major intersection in the neighborhood, demonstrate the necessary care and respect for Ohio's historic structures, and encourage development in a low-to-moderate income neighborhood.
  • By renovating 3016 Lagrange Street and 217 East Central Avenue, the office building and parking lot adjacent to the Ohio Theatre, the Children's Theatre Workshop of Toledo will be positioned to host a safe, accessible, creative space for Toledo's youth to explore their untapped potential in the arts. These three properties combined will promote a youth-centered, creative economy, nestled in the heart of the City's North End/Polish Village.
  • Signed disclosure letter available here


NW Ohio Adult Mental Health Rehabilitation Center

  • $2,000,000
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness, Ohio Chapter, 930 S. Detroit Avenue, Toledo, OH 43614
  • Residential rehabilitation has proven to have positive outcomes for a number of health-related incidents following hospitalization. Just as rehabilitation centers for individuals leaving hospital following a stroke or a hip fracture are available, a rehabilitation center for adults leaving hospitals who suffer from a mental health break is planned for northwest Ohio. A sixteen to twenty-four bed Rehabilitation Center will specifically serve individuals, 18 years and older, who have been discharged from a state of Ohio or private psychiatric hospital and who need additional treatment under a supervised living arrangement. The Mental Health Rehabilitation Center will be operated by NAMI-OH and provide clinically appropriate services, episodic medical care with linkage to primary medical care, assistance with daily living skills, meals, family integration into treatment and discharge plan; reentry assistance with housing and linkage to a community mental health case manager will also be provided.
  • Persons with mental health disorders are in need of a continuum of appropriate healthcare. Residential rehabilitation centers are commonly used for patients discharged from hospital following stroke, surgery or other major illnesses. In NW Ohio, a region of nearly 1.6 million people, there is no commensurate rehabilitation center for persons discharged from a psychiatric hospitalization. Outcomes will include reduced recidivism to more costly in-patient hospitalization, reduced incidences of suicide following hospitalization, increased access to beds, and improved comprehensive discharge planning including secured housing and community support services.
  • Signed disclosure letter available here


UTMC Mobile Medical Unit

  • $500,000
  • University of Toledo Medical Center, 3000 Arlington Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43614
  • Many healthcare providers are investing in improving health outcomes and patient experiences. One of the ways this is being accomplished is through mobile health. These mobile clinics operate as rolling medical offices that can provide a variety of health care services. The focus of mobile medical clinics is to provide services to medically underserved areas. Some people, especially in poverty-stricken regions, cannot afford a traditional medical checkup due to financial constraints and lack of transportation. As a result, they are unaware of their existing conditions. Mobile clinics can help save the lives of people in areas that do not have access to medical services. These can be beneficial in addressing the health needs of these hard-to-reach individuals. A mobile medical vehicle can help with primary care. The UTMC medical staff onboard these vehicles, residents, medical students, and physicians, can diagnose and treat basic care issues such as sore throats, allergies, high blood pressure and provide critical information on nutritional requirements. They can identify cancer and even treat coronary artery disease through trans myocardial revascularization (TMR). They can also screen for child and adolescent behavioral health along with addiction.
  • UTMC is south Toledo's Safety Net hospital and an economic driver in Northwest Ohio, producing a direct benefit of $769M per year or $1.35B adding in indirect and induced benefits of the health system. UTMC is critical to maintaining Ohio's health care workforce and contributing to the practical education of more than 1,200 learners including 248 residents and fellows, 350 medical students, 26 physician assistants and more than 600 pharmacy, allied health, and nursing students. This mobile care clinic is one additional way for us to reach out to the community to provide critical care while bringing additional patients to UTMC to help stabilize the hospital and enable it to transform into a nimbler institution that can be more responsive to its community, and the patients it serves.
  • Signed disclosure letter available here


Mental Health and Behavioral Health Transitional Support Housing

  • $2,500,000
  • Erie County Health Department, 420 Superior Street, Sandusky, OH 44870
  • The Erie County Health Department/Erie County Community Health Center (ECHD/ECCHC) proposes the creation of the Mental Health and Behavioral Health Short Term Housing program. Through this program, individuals will be assessed to determine what their care needs are rather than being placed in a jail cell which could increase their existing trauma levels. The foundation of the Mental and Behavioral Health Short Term Housing program would be a 4,000 square foot facility offering short-term treatment and housing for individuals who need behavioral or mental health care but who do not belong in a jail setting. By diverting these individuals from a jail setting, we lessen the trauma they face and increase the probability they will seek help for the mental or behavioral issues they face. These individuals would be placed on a 24-hour hold while a course of care is determined, and they are connected with the type of services (job/educational training, housing or transportation assistance, detoxification or peer support programs, etc) needed. This first step is crucial in connecting the individual with the type of care or services needed to improve his or her quality of life.
  • The funding would be used to renovate and build the facility, and to purchase needed equipment, including two 15-passenger vans to increase individuals' access to care. This project will increase the community's access to care and is key to providing the most efficient services to the largest population base, thereby increasing the quality of care for all in our community.
  • Signed disclosure letter available here


Toledo Technology Academy Auto Mechanic and Electric Vehicle Training, Curriculum, and Teacher Development

  • $1,256,000
  • Toledo City School District, 1609 N. Summit Street, Toledo, Ohio 43604
  • In order for the Toledo area to be a place where workers can earn a livable wage and raise families, it is imperative that training is offered now to prepare for the hot industries of the 21st century. Investing taxpayer funds in the EV training facility at Toledo Technology Academy will ensure that workers will gain the skills needed to make a living wage. Students coming out of high school will be hired in their hometown, current mechanics will hold on to their jobs because of updated skills, and displaced auto workers will receive retraining and not have to move from the Toledo area. Taxpayers will benefit from such training because they will be able to have their vehicles serviced in a timely manner – and they will know that the dealerships have invested in the area by funding the training that their mechanics will receive at the TTA facility.
  • With this, the Toledo area could become a national leader in providing instruction in the maintenance and repair of Electric Vehicles. By targeting three groups – high school students seeking jobs in a cutting-edge industry, current mechanics who want to keep up their skills to be marketable and displaced autoworkers looking for a new career – there will be a great opportunity to track success stories and to be able to help other organizations by sharing best practices. The funding would be used for the Auto Mechanic and Electric Vehicle Training program including teacher and curriculum development, and classroom equipment.
  • Signed disclosure letter available here


Lucas County Sherriff Jail Planning and Design

  • $2 million
  • Lucas County Sheriff's Office, located 1622 Spielbusch Avenue, Toledo, OH 43604
  • The funding would be used to help design a new Lucas County Sheriff's correction facility, which will include a mental health wing capable of providing better treatment for the mentally ill.
  • Providing a modern facility for the mentally ill will decrease long term costs for the judicial system, and provide more responsive and humane outcomes for the local criminal justice system.
  • Signed disclosure letter available here


City of Lorain Environmental Infrastructure

  • $3.375 Million
  • Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, 1776 Niagara Street Buffalo New York, 14207
  • This is an important use of taxpayer funds as it will eliminate a sanitary sewage overflows. By doing this, the health and wellness of the public will be protected from the introduction of raw, untreated sewage into the environment. Additionally, by increasing the capacity of the pump station and remodeling the existing retention basin, sewage will no longer back up in the sanitary lines causing backups in homes and potential for sewage to enter into residents households. This project promotes a major public health priority.
  • Signed disclosure letter available here