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Mar 9, 2006- Kaptur Votes to Block Dubai Ports Deal

March 9, 2006

"To ignore the public outcry over this ill conceived plan is absolutelyirresponsible," said Kaptur. "The American people elected us to dosomething when an issue like this comes up."

Last afternoon, Republicans voted to block consideration of a bill thatwould have immediately stopped the Bush-Dubai ports deal. Democrats arefighting for real port security to stop the Bush-Dubai deal and to preventfuture contracts allowing foreign governments such as U.A.E. or China to operate U.S.ports and other critical infrastructure.

"President Bush is putting backroom, special interest contracts ahead ofstrong homeland security for the American people," continued Kaptur. "This ports contract was a bad deal for national security when it involved sixmajor American seaports - now it turns out the company would operate in 22 U.S.ports, far more than the Bush Administration said were included in the deal."

The Appropriations Committee voted 62-2 tobar Dubai Ports World from holding contracts at U.S.ports. The committee attached the ports language to a $91 billion fundingbill for hurricane recovery and wars in Iraqand Afghanistan.The full House could consider that measure as early as next week. President Bush has promised to veto any such measure passed by Congress.

On February 23, Kaptur called forinvestigations by both the House Government Reform Committee and the TreasuryInspector General into the Bush Administration's approval of the management of U.S.ports by Dubai Ports World. Kaptur has also asked the Treasury InspectorGeneral to review any conflict of interest regarding the participation ofTreasury Secretary John Snow who chairs the Committee on Foreign Investments,the group which approved the recent contract with Dubai Ports World.