Rep. Kaptur Urges President to Convene Special Session of Congress, Calls on Mitch McConnell to Immediately Advance Bipartisan Background Check Legislation
Washington, D.C. — Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), the longest serving woman in the House of Representatives and Dean of the Ohio delegation, released the following statement:
"There is not a single community across the U.S. that has been spared from the tragedy of gun violence and mass shootings," said Rep. Kaptur. "Today, our hearts hang heavy for the families and people of Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas, where in the span of less than thirteen hours two shootings carried by domestic terrorists resulted in the deaths of 31 people – 9 in Dayton and 22 in El Paso."
"Whether it is in Ohio, Texas, Florida, or Connecticut – or anywhere else for that matter – one thing remains constant across every mass shooting that takes place: the fast action of first responders and the selfless bravery of bystanders. At great risk to their own personal safety, brave men and women have acted quickly to save innocent lives and protect others from falling victim. For every shooting, there are stories of heroism, bravery, and selflessness, for which we the public are perpetually grateful.
"It is, however, a profound injustice that our nation's leaders, specifically those within the Republican Party, have refused to act with similar urgency in a single case, even while tragedies like those in Ohio and Texas continue to take place again and again.
"In recent years, Americans across the country have fallen victim by the thousands to domestic terrorists – and at an ever-increasing rate. The combination of on-line radicalization, an unregulated, for-profit firearms industry, and a President who proudly stokes the flames of prejudice for political gain, have all contributed to the rise of domestic terrorist incidents that are of unparalleled scope in our society.
"It is not enough to condemn racism, bigoty, and white supremacy. Our country – our communities – desperately need and deserve action. The House already passed H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112, bipartisan bills that will strengthen our background check system and that have overwhelming public support. Both have awaited Mitch McConnell's action for a vote in the Senate for months. Americans by the scores will continue to die by mass shootings and gun violence until President Trump and Mitch McConnell act. The President should call Congress back now from its August recess and demand that Mitch McConnell immediately bring these bills up for a vote in the Senate. Let's use August to convene a national discussion about what we must do to protect the American people with a unified voice. Enough is enough."